In bed, watching the sunrise through striated clouds. I’ve been up for a while but trying to enter each day with attention to self before giving it all away.
I decided that for me to thrive in 2021 I need to channel my energy differently. I will no longer get swept up in the small minded, shortsightedness and single mindedness of so many — and instead focus my energies on light, love, laughter and liberation.
jdc TruthTalk? The last six weeks have put that to the test.
But as I watch a new day arrive — safe, healthy, and reasonably secure — I know and feel that I have no alternative but to move towards what is possible.
So what does that mean? I’m not quite sure.
What I do know is that my relationship with social media will change and already has changed. However, there is still so much noise, critique and pontification. So much of it feels surface and performative.
It is just not intimate enough for me.
I want—no— I need to move toward something different.
Not sure what that is yet, if anything.
I am not so ego filled to believe that what I offer is invaluable. I can step away.
So I think I will be quieter for a bit and see what emerges or compels.
*This blog was written on February 17, 2021.
About The Author:
Jara Dean-Coffey (jdc) is Founder and Director of the Equitable Evaluation Initiative and the Founder of Luminare Group. For the past twenty-five years, she has partnered with clients and colleagues to elevate their collective understanding of the relationship between values, context, strategy and evaluation and shifting our practices so that they are more fully in service of equity. For more about musings + machinations click here.